FeaturedPost What You Need to Know About Dog Sledding and Online Casinos - What You Need to Know About Dog Sledding and Online Casinos

What You Need to Know About Dog Sledding and Online Casinos

It might be a little odd for many people but yes, there are online casino games out there inspired by dog sledding. One good example is Arctic Race. This is a slot game that uses symbols derived from dog sledding like dogs and sleighs.

The game was also well developed with the vital factors of the activity applied to the game.

Now, you might wonder, why would online casino game developers even consider dog sledding as a theme? Here’s why.

PostImage What You Need to Know About Dog Sledding and Online Casinos Global - What You Need to Know About Dog Sledding and Online Casinos

Dog Sledding is Global

Just like other racing sports involving animals like horse racing, dog sledding is recognized as a global sport practiced in many nations. There is already a committee in the Olympics focused on furthering dog sledding.

Dog Sledding or for some, mushing is also being recognized as a sport that can symbolize animal care and love from pet owners. Many game developers are seeing this as an opportunity to spark dialogues and campaign furthering animal advocacy.

PostImage What You Need to Know About Dog Sledding and Online Casinos Breeds - What You Need to Know About Dog Sledding and Online Casinos

Dog Sled Breeds

Another exciting topic in dog sledding is dog breeds. Not all dogs are built for dog sledding as this activity is done on snowy areas or terrains. Developers are finding the many breeds of snow-loving and dog-sledding dogs to be engaging and of course eye-catching with all the cuteness.

Have you seen a Samoyed? Have you seen an Alaskan Malamute? Search for these dogs online and find out what we’re talking about.

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Dog Sled Culture

The culture of the mode of transportation turned sport is also interesting and developers are after the back story. For example, the Canadian Eskimo Dog breed. Are you aware of its back story? The government bred this dog to help people living in Arctic terrains to survive.

Awesome right? There are more reasons why developers are leaning into the whole dog sledding-slot idea and people are waiting for the release of these online casino games. Stay updated with us here at World Dog Sledding Championships.

FeaturedPost 5 Important Reminders for Professional Dog Sledding - 5 Important Reminders for Professional Dog Sledding

5 Important Reminders for Professional Dog Sledding

If you’re planning to compete in a dog sled race or just dog sled generally then we suggest you don’t wing it. Without the right preparations and knowledge, there is a big chance of you hurting yourself and your dogs.

Here are the top reminders to consider before dog sledding.

PostImage 5 Important Reminders for Professional Dog Sledding Layers - 5 Important Reminders for Professional Dog Sledding

Layers, Layers, Layers

This is a given, if you’re used to driving around the sunny side of the street with your motorcycle then there is nothing sunny about dog sledding.

This mode of transportation turned racing competition is mostly practiced in snowy-covered terrains, especially in countries like Siberia, Greenland and Canada.

That is why if you care about your life, then you might consider dressing layers after layers after layers of warm clothes.

Conduct Research

When we say research, we’re not only talking about how to dog sled but the important factors as well. For example, the best dog breeds to be part of your team. There are dozens of breeds out there capable of travelling long hours in the snow like the Siberian Husky, Alaskan Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Samoyed and more.

Dog sledding with the best dogs will make things a lot easier but that will, of course, require training and lots of it, for your dogs and for you of course as the musher. A musher is what they call the pilot in dog sledding.

PostImage 5 Important Reminders for Professional Dog Sledding Familiar - 5 Important Reminders for Professional Dog Sledding

Be Familiar with the Lingo

Just like drivers and their road signals and signs, dog sledding has its own lingo. You can’t just tell your dogs to go right by telling them “go right.” There are specific words that are already known to many dogs and serve as default signals for dog sledding.

If you want the dogs up and running then scream out “Hike” or “Hike Up.” Some people just go with a strong, “Ha” and there go the dogs. “Haw” is to turn dogs to go left and “Gee” if you want them running right. “Woah” a long one and “Easy” are commonly used terms for dogs to halt or stop.

PostImage 5 Important Reminders for Professional Dog Sledding energize - 5 Important Reminders for Professional Dog Sledding

Energize the dogs

If you’re going for a race or a long journey, then you need to feed your dogs a lot of food and water. It is also important to bring food supply for your dogs and of course yourself. It is also mandatory to bring a first aid kit for the dogs in case of injuries and accidents along the snowy road.

Are you now ready to go dog sledding? If you are, then be careful out there.

FeaturedPost Dog Sled Breeds 101 The Elites - Dog Sled Breeds 101: The Elites

Dog Sled Breeds 101: The Elites

When it comes to dog sledding, many dog breeds didn’t make the cut. Can you imagine a pack of Corgis or Golden Retrievers sprinting through the snow at full speed? If you can, then those dogs are doomed.

If you want to participate in dog sledding then you need the right army of K9s for your team. Here’s a list of the best snow-loving dog breeds that would surely stand out during a dog sled race.


Chinook is a mixed breed of the top tier breeds including Mastiff, Belgian Shepherd, German Shepherd, and Greenland Husky. With all of those breeds put together, think of the speed, agility and stamina of the Chinook.

This breed comes from New England and is already making rounds in the sport of dog sledding.

The Chinook might not be that durable compared to other breeds hailing from snowy countries but a pack of Chinooks is unstoppable.

PostImage Dog Sled Breeds 101 The Elites SiberianHusky - Dog Sled Breeds 101: The Elites

Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky is hailed as one of the most magnificent breeds of dogs due to its resemblance to the mighty wolf. And just like the wolf, Siberian Huskies are part of the dogsled elite groups.

They move well despite freezing temperatures and their stamina is out of this world.

Siberian Huskies also have reliable strength as they are able to carry a load twice their size for a long period of time. That would surely come in handy during a dog sled race, right? If you want long excursion, then the Siberian Husky is the teammate you’re looking for.

Siberian Huskies are also overall healthy if properly cared for.


If you’re planning to engage on mid-distance races or sprints, then Samoyed is the breed for you. This breed is not that fast compared other breeds for dog sledding but if you’re looking for endurance, then you’re looking for this beast.

The Samoyed breed was initially bred to help humans survive in freezing terrain. These dogs often sleep with their owners to provide warmth during cold nights. They are capable of transporting both people and items.

Samoyed is a breed from Siberia, one of the coldest countries in the world. If you think the cold does not bother Queen Elsa, then you haven’t seen a Samoyed in action.

PostImage Dog Sled Breeds 101 The Elites Alaskan Malamute - Dog Sled Breeds 101: The Elites

Alaskan Malamute

One of the cutest among this list but surely one of the sharpest breeds. This breed is synonymous with freight as it is able to carry heavy items for long distance travel.

Caring for an Alaskan Malamute is a challenge itself as this breed has a nature of being aggressive against other breeds.

The Alaskan Malamute is among the biggest breeds when it comes to dog sledding. But if you are able to train a pack of Alaskan Malamutes, then you are sure to go places in the massive world of dog sledding.

Canadian Eskimo Dog

This breed is from the North… Canada. The story behind this breed is quite the journey. The government oversee the breeding of this dog in order to help people residing in harsh Arctic circumstances and conditions.

The Canadian Eskimo Dog is not much of a sprinter but it makes up for it with its stamina and strength.

These are just five of the snow-loving and dog-sledding breeds to consider. There are dozens of them and it’s up to you to choose your own.

FeaturedPost Dog Sledding Updates to Keep an Eye On - Dog Sledding Updates to Keep an Eye On

Dog Sledding Updates to Keep an Eye On

So much news and updates to keep an eye on. With more and more people and organizations taking an interest in dog sledding, the sport is making quite the wave all over. Here are some of the latest updates you want to know about if you’re an avid fan of dog sledding.

Dog Sledding World Tourneys

We are well aware that dog sledding is not that big for organizations like us to stage a world tourney. But those days are over as countries in North America, Europe and more are planning to build a global organization to bring worldwide dog sledding competition to the table.

We are expecting this massive organization to surface in the coming years as they are still gathering more sponsors and momentum from their respective government. Many people, including us, are now expecting national level tourneys in Canada and Greenland to take place.

PostImage Dog Sledding Updates to Keep an Eye On Tournament - Dog Sledding Updates to Keep an Eye On

From our community alone, dozens of mushers are expressing their interest to participate and will even handle the travel accommodations themselves. That’s right, these people are driven to introduce dog sledding to the world, the right way of course.

Actually, dog sledding is already recognized worldwide and the sport even has its own committee in the Olympics. However, we want to push it further than that for other nations to engage in it as well.

It’s about time horseracing, the sport of kings to be dethroned as the most celebrated sport involving animals in the world.

Dog Sledding-themed slots

That’s right, not only racers, animal lovers and people living in snowy areas are interested in dog sledding. Can you believe that some game developers are finding this sport so brilliant that they’re planning to develop a slot inspired by it?

As a matter of fact, there are already slot games inspired by dog sledding like Arctic Race. Developed by Novomatic in the UK, Arctic Race is your usual slot game with 5 reels and paylines.

Every line is a potential payline and all you have to do is get matching symbols and collect your payout. Each symbol has a certain value and that will decide the amount of money you will get.

The game, just like most slots, has its own features including the wild and scatter. The goal for this game is to not collect the most money but to be the best among all racers. There is even a bonus race, think of it as the final race to decide who is the best.

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Many developers are following Novomatic’s footsteps and they believe there are more factors in the sport itself they can explore that can be applied in slot games. We even got in touch with some developers all over Canada asking for insights and information about dog sledding and its mechanics.

We ourselves are even confused on how Arctic Race can be overpowered by another game as it already has the best elements of the race. That is why we are on the lookout 24/7 for new updates regarding this topic. We are most excited of course with the possible slot titles.

Right now, these are the hottest news we have but there are more to come for sure. Dog sledding made its way to the Olympics as mentioned above but it is yet to make its mark throughout the world.

Here at World Dog Sledding Championships we are dedicated to further that mission.