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Snow is all over here in the city of Cassiar most months of every year so we’ve already got the racetrack in place for our many events gathering some of the best racers to compete against each other.

Dog Sled Tourney

We try our best to launch at least 2 dog sled racing tournaments every month or twice a month. These are just friendly races but the competition is big. You will not believe each race performance from each team.

We hold the championships in the last quarter of every year and hold out the last couple of months for celebrations and awards events. To keep things interesting, we have a ranking of the best racers for both mushers (dog sled drivers) and dogs of course.

Every year we see this ranking on a roller coaster with more and more competitors showing up.

We also invite other racers from other cities and states in Canada and we try our best to get people from different nations to participate as well.

Dog Sled Clinics

Every month, we get aspiring mushers with their dogs to enter this sport but they don’t know how to. Basically, training dogs for races is not that easy as one might think.

There’s a long process of honing these magnificent beasts to be familiar with the flow of the race and not to mention race as part of a team and not individually.

We hold clinics, training sessions and seminars for mushers and sled dogs at least quarterly.